Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Finished attending - Internal talk by Peter

It was an astonishing and inspiring talk.

The two most insightful concepts that I got was not what he kept emphasis on boosting sales in non-funding product.

Rather it is about his view on RMB internationalization while answering a floor question on how he views BxC being the settlement bank of RMB.  First, he believes that China's back may not be able to internationalize RMB as they lack ability to adapt to other local culture or just simply do business for the chinese in other local countries. While as an international bank, we have the ability to internationalize RMB. Besides, the more internationalize RMB is, the bigger the piece of cake will be resulting a larger portion of the cake we will obtain and also he didn't believe at that moment there will still be one settlement bank.

His views on this business was astonishing, not simply because of how he view the RMB business, but rather his thinking methodology and ability to handle competition. He finds our niche and competitive advantage rather than simply complaining why we aren't the settlement bank for RMB. Apart from this, he finds opportunities rather than simply seeing competition. By expanding the business opportunities, we need not focus on internal competition as we all gain profit from expanding rather than eating up competitors' profit.

This is how a leader shall think and how we shall learn from if we have the ambition to be in his position one day.

The second point he mentioned is the lack of patience of the young generation. He stated that the "elder people" shall understand the young generation of lacking patience, which they wont have the patience to wait for several years to get promoted from band 9 to say 5. While his advice to the youngsters are to be patient.

Yes, this is so true. A lot of high-fliers within the company left just because they cant wait for one or two years to get promoted as manager from MT or AM. They immediately go to another position with a higher ranking in title, and better department name say regional xxx or some traditional profit making business teams. However, two points to question are: is the person ready to be manager or get promoted. You may find it the same paste as others who get quickly promoted, yet if your foundation is not strong enough, this my hinder your future development, resulting a longer duration as manager or a low rank as your promotion celling. Besides, a traditionally good business line or function, does it implies a continous growth or expansion on that business, or whether it is already a saturated business? As a young man, we should be visionary. To be able to see further, but at the same time having patience to complete stuff that occurs in front of us. It is never contradicting, and both can co-exist. Prepare yourself and at the same time learn to complete the tasks in front of you, and move forward step by step.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Finished watching - X-men First Class

X-men has always been a very good movie, not only does it has good animations to distinguish normal human beings and those genetically difference, but more importantly, X-men always stress the conflicts between genetically difference and normal people.

In X-men First Class, it clearly emphasis that Charles (Professor X) believes that human being and genetically different people could co-exist with respect and peace, which may be just a matter of time, while Erik (Magneto) believes that normal people will try all their means to kill, destroy or put genetically different people under control (this does reflect in the last episode of X-men)

The question that immediately pop up in my mind is, why people always try every means to eliminate those that are different from them or put these different spices under well control? However, we never see animals having such kind of behaviour. They attack only to survive because they are either being attacked or they are hunting for food, yet in normal circumstances, they can always co-exists and not to mention controlling other spices

Such special behaviour of human beings, to eliminate or to control these "outliners" may highly due to the traditional way of surviving methodology of human being. They killed those threaten them if they couldn't put other animals under control, or just kept the animals inside the zoo cage.  A very typical example is human will normally try to killed spiders and insects when they see them, while your pet say dog will simply play with them.

Besides, unlike animals, we well defined our property right and privacy. We built house for ourselves and also rooms for our own. Yet animal live together with the same spices while never define a room for themselves.

Actually even in today's society, despite we cant prove if genetically different people will have special power, yet it is undeniably that we humans try to eliminate those who are unlike or deviate from the norm. We never except something difference. And humans are taught to try whatever means to cope with the norm and converge to the norm since young/ kindergarten. Superactive or quiet people has to use whatever medical threapy to help them to adapt to norm. However, why cant the norm appreciate what they born to be and their true beauty? Does anyone think of the problem does not lie with the so called abnormal beings but the ability to accept outliners by the norm? Why shall people taught to be alike and towards the norm, is it simply because of easy management of the society, or some high-ended people who actually deviate from the norm hopes to fool the norm and earn as much as they can from them, or is it because human beings lack the ability to accept things that are difference?

Even during small group conversation, if one states out an idea or opinion or having some kind of behaviour that is different from the norm, people try to discriminate them as weird, yet does that mean wrong and can we conclude the norm is correct.

As a rational human being, we need to distinguish right and wrong rather than norm or deviate from norm. We act when we believe it is correct even we are the minority and outliner, cos only outliners stand the chance to win and beat the norm. Never act according to norm without thinking or just hoping to be recognized as one of them (the norm). One should be proud of who they really are rather than how "normal" they are

Thursday, 2 June 2011



但大家又有否想過,我們學習機會,不論是knowledge 、國際視野、多元發展 (如游水、音樂等),都比上一代多。Internet的發明,令我們比上一代容易廣寬視野、information及knowledge



Facebook 是其中一個最大的元兇。
看到朋友短短一句"status - what's in your mind" ,就不理會他的由來,立即"LIKE"。慢慢地,你開始什麼都不求原因,什麼都LIKE。

因而我們應該把握這可一不可再的機會,吸收真正有用的資訊,而非facebook的留言或他人的micro event。更應多思多想,尋根究底,培養分析及獨立思慧
